Yeganegi, H., Luksch, H., & Ondracek, J.M. (2019). “Hippocampal-like network dynamics underlie avian sharp wave-ripples.” bioRxiv. link to article
Suess, S.C., Werner, J., Saller, A.M., Weiss, L., Reiser, J., Ondracek, J.M., Zablotski, Y., Kollmansperger, S.,
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Jovalekic, A., Cavé-Lopez, S., Canopoli, A., Ondracek, J.M., Nager, A., Vyssotski, A.L. & Hahnloser, R.H.R. (2017). “A lightweight feedback-controlled microdrive for chronic neural recordings.” J Neural Eng. 2017 Apr;14(2):026006. Epub 2017 Jan 10. link to article
Shein-Idelson, M.*, Ondracek, J.M.*, Liaw, H.-P., Reiter, S. & Laurent, G. (2016). “Slow waves, sharp waves, ripples, and REM in sleeping dragons.” Science 29(352): 590-595. *Contributed equally. link to article
Naumann, R.K., Ondracek, J.M., Reiter, S., Shein-Idelson, M., Tosches, M.A., Yamawaki, T.M. & Laurent, G. (2015). “The Reptilian Brain.” Curr Biol 25(8):R317-R321. link to article
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Hetzler, B.E., Ondracek, J.M., and Becker, E.A. (2008). “Baclofen does not counteract the acute effects of ethanol on flash-evoked potentials in Long-Evans rats.” Int J Neurosci 118(11): 1558-1581. link to article
Hetzler, B.E. and Ondracek, J.M. (2007). “Baclofen alters flash-evoked potentials in Long-Evans rats.” Pharmacol Biochem Behav 86(4): 727-740. link to article
Laurent, G., Fournier, J., Hemberger, M., Müller, C., Naumann, R., Ondracek, J.M., Pammer, L., Reiter, S., Shein-Idelson, M., Tosches, M.-A. & Yamawaki, T. (2016). “Cortical Evolution: Introduction to the Reptilian Cortex”. In Buzsáki, G. & Christen, Y. (Eds.), Micro-, Meso- and Macro-Dynamics of the Brain, pp 23-33. link to chapter
Ondracek, J.M. & Hahnloser, R.H.R. (2014). “Advances in Understanding the Auditory Brain of Songbirds.” In Fay, R. R and Popper, A. N. (Eds.), Springer Handbook in Auditory Research: Insights from Comparative Hearing Research. Volume 49, pp 347-388. link to chapter